Besos CanBernad

Besòs (eng)

The course of a sick river

The etymology of the Besòs River is somewhat uncertain, even though there is already a mention of it as far back as the tenth century, with the name Bissaucio. This river originates in Montmeló and along the way it receives water from various tributaries, such as Congost or the Mogent. For centuries it has provided water for Barcelona’s fields, and in the tenth century the Rec Comtal was built—a canalization that carried its waters to the orchards of the surrounding areas of the city of Barcelona.


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The neighbours recommend

Besos CanBernadRestaurant CAN BERNAD
carretera de Mataró, 22
(Sant Adrià de Besòs)
Phone 933 811 047
Grill restaurant in business since 1973 that offers a fine homemade menu and has delicious cured meats. They also have room for large groups.

Places of Interest

CreuTerme BesosIn the intersection of Extremadura St. with that of Concili de Trento St. stands and old stone cross which has been carefully preserved,creu de terme, a series of crosses that serve as the village’s boundaries which in the old days were placed next to roads to protect them spiritually. This crossroads in particular is the work of Josep Maria Pericas i Morros, and it was built in 1944.

What attracts me the most of this neighbourhood is the cultural diversity, and in its squares, I enjoy seeing how children from different backgrounds—mostly born in Catalonia— play together.

If you enter Barcelona by car along the Gran Vía, at this point between the municipalities of Sant Adrià and up to almost the Glories square you will see little lights of colors on the road: do not be alarmed! It is the reflection of the colored glasses of the acoustic screens that have been installed to reduce traffic noise. A light game to welcome you to the city.

Besos PlazaPalmera

(between streets of Maresme, Concili de Trento, and Puigcerdà and Andrade)
Located where an old factory was, the square is divided in two different parts by the 52 metres long and 3m high sculpture by Richard Serra in the middle. It is made up of concentric and smooth concrete sheets.


Mercat StMarti

carrer Puigcerdà, 206-212
Phone 933 133 449
A large market that offers a great variety of fresh products. Here you can breathe the authentic atmosphere of the district.



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