ElMaresme-Forum Barcadadria

El Maresme — Fòrum

The forum of cultures

El Maresme, literally “the marsh”, is the name of one of the districts of the Catalan coastline situated between el Barcelonès and la Selva.
Until the middle of the last century, this was all farmland. The large housing deficit of the 50s brought about the construction of apartment buildings and the subsequent creation of the neighbourhood. At that moment, however, other infrastructures were not taken into account and the area had to be remodeled years later. Nowadays, and thanks to the neighbourhood organization and the urban developments of the last couple of years, the place has the basic and necessary public service, besides other improved elements.
In this area, the fairgrounds which were used for the Fòrum de les Cultures (Cultural Forum) of 2004— a showcase and meeting point for different cultures in which proposals to makes this a more plural and sustainable world—were discussed.


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The neighbours recommend

ElMaresme-Forum BarcadadriaRestaurant LA BARCA D’ADRIÀ
parc de la Pau, s/nº, local 3
(platja del Fòrum)
Phone 933 563 085
Traditional Mediterranean fish and meat dishes. An ideal place to eat quietly while enjoying the views of the sea at Sant Adrià. Lunch menu is available daily and is open on Saturday nights.

ElMaresme-Forum Barcelona-princessRestaurante N1 (HOTEL BARCELONA PRINCESS)
avinguda Diagonal, 1
Phone 933 561 000
If you wish to eat near the mall but far from the crowds, in the first floor of this luxury hotel you will find a very interesting restaurant.

Places of Interest

As the Forum area is so big it has a lot to offer in terms of having a good time while enjoying the sea breeze and the views on the Maresme, on the one side, and the Montjuïc mountains on the other. The sporting complex that is near-by is also a lovely place for a stroll. On leaving the Forum grounds, you will find a wide assortment of luxury hotels with views on the sea as well as the Gran Centro commercial Diagonal shopping centre. For 2014 it is foreseen that next to the Forum Park the city’s maritime zoo will be inaugurated, situated on a platform almost six hectares long reclaimed from the sea. All the maritime fauna that presently lives in the Barcelona Zoo will be moved to this new site.

Parc Forum

rambla de Prim, 2
This park occupies more than 30000 square meters and is used occasionally to organize fairs, festivals or parties. In the midst of the park there is a solar panel that supplies energy not only to the park, but also to more than a thousand apartments nearby.

ElMaresme-Forum MuseuBlau

plaça Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5
Phone 932 566 002
An innovative facility with a space of 9000 square meters where you will find exhibitions, assembly rooms, workshops for all the family, etc… Everything is aimed to get to know better our planet.

barcelona Bosc Urba

plaça del Fórum, s/nº
Phone 931 173 426
A urban adventure park with an aerial runways of 120m, spaces for bungee jumping, lianas, nets… A new playful activity for all the family.


central del circ

carrer Moll de la Vela, 2
Sant Adrià del besós
Phone 933 560 890
A space dedicated to training, rehearsal and creation for the circus professionals. Some rooms are available to host public lectures or to be rented out. The circus professionals organize shows and tours to explain how the circus world works.


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