
Sant Martí

Pattern of the Catalan cavalry

This station receives it name from the neighborhood in which the train arrives at: San Martí de Provençals. The origin, in turn, can be found in a small chapel dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours which once stood in this municipality, nowadays the Church of San Martí de Provençals.
It is said that this saint was born in Hungary and spent his youth in Italy, where he came in contact with both the Roman Legion and the Christians. In time he converted to Christianity and, thanks to his kindness and his miracles, was made Bishop of Tours.
The territory of the present-day neighborhood began to develop with the construction of the Rec Comtal (above the city’s ancient irrigation system). This was an enormous irrigation ditch which was used to carry water from Montcada to Barcelona, leading to the cultivation of the land which till then had only been used for grazing. The territory of the present-day neighborhood started to take shape around the fifteen century in the environs of the church, rectory as well as several of farms that stood at the time, some which are still standing today, such as Can Cadena, Can Planas and Ca l’Arno.
With the Decreto de Nueva Planta (Nueva Planta Decrees), Sant Martí de Provençals became an independent municipality, till 1897, year in which it was annexed to Barcelona.


A note … If you take a stroll along theRambla de Guipúscoa and look at the ground, you can see a line that takes volume and returns to ground level: La Línia de la Verneda , a sculpture by Francesc Torres, in which a review of the thousand years of the neighborhood’s history is made.

Do you want to discover more? … Barcelona metro a metro
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The neighbors recommend

santmartiRestaurant SANT MARTÍ
carrer del Pont del Treball Digne, 11
Phone 933 131 083
Great assorted of Iberian sausages, meats, and several cod dishes as well as rice specialties. The lunch menu is worth a try.

lamole santmartiRestaurant LA MOLE
carrer del Concili de Trento, 213
Phone 933 135 669
Italian restaurant with a very good lunch menu filled with a variety of pastas cooked to perfection.


bar oceano santmartiBar OCÉANO
carrer del Concili de Trento, 250
Phone 648 027 131
Ideal for young people, this locale offers warmth and a variety menu with xapapizzas, crepes, salads, pasta… At nighttime you can discover their cocktail menu!

Places of Interest

can cadena

carrer de Menorca, 64
In this six-hectare park you will be surrounded by mimosas, cypresses, orange trees and alders. You can also find in the park the church of San Martí de Provençals, which dates back to the fifteenth century, as well as three farm houses dating back to the seventeenth century: Can Cadena, Can Planas (1) and Ca l’Arnó, which are today of public use. Can Cadena is an investigative and educational center for biological and alternative agriculture and gardening open to the public on weekend mornings. Can Planas is a homeless shelter, and Ca l’Arnó is a didactic playroom and toy library.

club escacs sant martiCLUB D’ESCACS SANT MARTÍ
carrer de la Selva de Mar, 213, 6ª planta
This chess club is located in the neighborhood civic center. It’s open to everyone only in the evenings.


centrecvic santmartCENTRE CÍVIC SANT MARTÍ
carrer de la Selva de Mar, 215
Phone 933 089 793
Adult education-educational center where they instruct free courses of Catalan, music, computer science, etc.


Mercat StMarti

carrer Puigcerdà, 206-212
Phone 933 133 449
An other market where you can perceive the atmosphere of the district’s life. It is characterized by a great variety of products and a very relaxed environment.


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