parks in Barcelona


The unfortunate count This station takes its name from the Count of Urgell Street. James


A home for orphans and the elderly This station receives its name from the architectural


The city of the four rivers Girona is the capital of the province and county

Sants Estació

The central station of Barcelona Sants train station is located in Sants district, which got


The Bishop who fell in love with Barcelona José Maria Urquinaona y Bidot was born

Palau Reial

A farm that turned into a palace The Palau Reial of Pedralbes is a palace

Arc de Triomf

Entrance through the main gate This monumental arch situated at the entrance of the Paseo


A market with charm This station was christened with the name of the popular market


Convent for the needy A man known as Father Palau lived in this area towards

Jaume I

The conquering king Son of Peter the Second of Aragon and Mary of Montpellier, James


The clergyman of the Catalan Renaissance Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló was born in Folgueroles in

Av. Carrilet

Miniature rails This station commemorates the train of the line Llobregat-Anoia of the Ferrocarils de


A bullring for everything This is the name of the imposing bullring located next to

Poble Sec

Descending from Montjuic The Poble-sec orography, which stretches along one of the sides of Montjuic


A family by the name of Joanich This metro station abuts on the square Joanic,


For a good travel There are many theories about the name of the district of

Sagrada Familia

The eternal temple With the Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudí was not content with simply building

Sants Estació

The central station of Barcelona Sants train station is located in Sants district, which got