where to eat in Barcelona


The 12 Catalan Glories The Glòries Catalanes Square was inaugurated by Víctor Balaguer, the person


The Bishop who fell in love with Barcelona José Maria Urquinaona y Bidot was born


Convent for the needy A man known as Father Palau lived in this area towards


The city of the four rivers Girona is the capital of the province and county

Sants Estació

The central station of Barcelona Sants train station is located in Sants district, which got


Clotum Mellis (Honey’s Concavity) In the medieval period, the area which is now known as

Poble Sec

Descending from Montjuic The Poble-sec orography, which stretches along one of the sides of Montjuic


A nostalgic hostel Carrer Creu Coberta 22, the address of the old cinema Arenas and


A market with charm This station was christened with the name of the popular market


A community strong as rock This station leads into the Roquetes neighborhood, which abuts with

Jaume I

The conquering king Son of Peter the Second of Aragon and Mary of Montpellier, James


The clergyman of the Catalan Renaissance Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló was born in Folgueroles in


A building with lots of history The historic building of the University of Barcelona was

Sants Estació

The central station of Barcelona Sants train station is located in Sants district, which got


A family by the name of Joanich This metro station abuts on the square Joanic,


The Battle for l’Al-Andalus The name of this station reminds us of the important battle