Arc del Triomf

Entrance through the main gate

This monumental arch situated at the entrance of the Paseo de Sant Joan is a creation by the Catalan architect Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas, and is considered a precursor piece to Modernism.
This arch of triumph, that today is an element of decoration and remembrance, does not commemorate a military victory, but instead was built on the occasion of Barcelona’s Universal Exhibition of 1888. The arch was the main access gate to the Exhibition’s fairgrounds enclosure, which comprised the parc of the Ciutadella, the land that today comprises Barcelona’s zoo and part of the Estació de Franςa.

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The neighbors recommend
restaurante Candela

Restaurant LA CANDELA
Plaça de Sant Pere, 12
Phone 933 106 242
This is a good spot to eat fresh-market food or try their famous apple-confit suckling pig. And if you want to sunbathe, you can sit in the terrace.

mosquito arctriomfMOSQUITO TAPAS
carrer de Carders, 46
Phone 932 687 569
A culinary offering of tapas with an oriental flavor. Most exotic.

Places of interest
Parc Ciutadella

passeig Picasso, 21
This station is behind this wonderful park (forthe main entrance: metro L1 Arc de Triomf). It was designed by Josep Fontserè in 1872, with gardens and boulevards rich of sculptures and monuments, some of them emblematic: la Senyoreta del paraigua de Joan Roig, El desconsol de Josep Limona or la cascada monumental de Fontserè. Recently it has been created an playful space for families with children between 0 and 5 years, where workshops and weekly activities are organized.

museuciencies arctriomfEL CASTELL DELS TRES DRAGONS
Parc de la Ciutadella. Passeig Picasso, s/nº
This beautiful modernist building designed by Lluís Domènech i Muntaner was a bar-restaurant for the Exhibition of 1888 and until 2010 houses the Museum of zoology. The building will house the Nature laboratory, where the Geology and Zoology collection will be put together, and also a documentation centre and specialized library.

umbracle arctriomfUMBRACLE
Parc de la Ciutadella
passeig de Picasso, s/nº
This building was also built for the Expo of 1888, and was used as a conference hall. Later on, the construction was refurbished in order to create an “umbraculum” (a large conservatory structure) with all sorts of trees and plants, in their great majority tropical.

zoo de barcelona arctriomfZOO OF BARCELONA
Parc de la Ciutadella
passeig de Picasso, s/nº
Phone 902 457 545
The zoo of Barcelona was inaugurated in 1892 and has one of Europe’s most important collections. Between 1996 and 2003 the zoo was home to Copito de Nieve (Snowflake) the only albino gorilla known and a symbol of the city. Currently the zoo is undergoing reforms that will be finished in 2015. This includes the construction of a maritime zoo, near the parc del Fòrum.

estacio-del-nord-arc triomfCHOCOLATE MUSEUM
carrer Comerç, 36
Phone 932 687 878
This museum belong to the Organization of confetionery of Barcelona. It opened in the year 2000, you will find the history of chocolate and of the best pastry cooks and also wonderful chocolate sculptur…

plaça de Pons i Clerch, 2, 2ª
Phone 932 563 420
Created in 1931 and located in the old Convent of Sant Augustí, it has more than two millions of photos from the year 1839 unitl the present day, whose main subject is the city of Barcelona. You can see temporary exhibitions.

carrer d’Allada Vermell, 15
Phone 639 305 353
The programme planning offers spectacles with puppets and the shadow play.

blueproject foundationBLUEPROJECT FOUNDATION
carrer de la Princesa, 57
Phone 931 824 371
A wide center of contemporary and modern art. Beyond collective and personal exhibition, you will find distinctive shows of music, dance and … café Blueproject to health and delicious plates.

bibliotecaarus arctriomfARÚS PUBLIC LIBRARY
passeig de Sant Joan, 26, pral.
Phone 932 322 404
This library is specialized in social history and culture of XIX-XX century and has some important collections inside about the labour mouvement, anarchy and freemasonry.

estacio-del-nord-arc triomfBARCELONA NORD BUS STATION
carrer d’Alí Bei, 80
Phone 902 260 606
The mostpopular bus station of Barcelona, for departures to national and international destinations.



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