
A market with charm

This station was christened with the name of the popular market of this area, Los Encants Vells. In said market, with more than 900 shopkeepers and where there exists a strong relationship between buyer and seller and the culture of haggling is alive and kicking, one is reminded of the village markets of yore. “Los Encantes”, (The Enchantments), also known as the Fira de Bellcaire or (Bellcaire Fair) was established in the fourteenth century, making it one of Europe’s oldest markets and clearly reflecting Barcelona’s commercial drive. One can both buy used as well as brand new goods.
One could be lead into thinking that the root of the word encant (enchantment) derives from the form by which in the olden days the value of merchandise was made known, “in chanting”, i.e. singing. In this case, however, it corresponds to a variation of the French word enquant, which means “how much”. Bellcaire’s origin, on the other hand, does have several theories. Some say it derives from the city of Languedoc, by the name of Beaucaire, where during the eighteenth century a yearly fair for used goods was held. Others, mistakenly, attribute the name to the word by which things that were found in markets were called “de caire vell” or “of old look/aspect”.

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The neighbors recommend
achepati encantsRestaurante ACHÉ PERÚ
carrer de Los Castillejos, 208
Phone 935 078 587
Aché, which means “luck”, is a homely restaurant that offers the best of Cuban cuisine. They have a permanent show of paintings by several Cuban artists. 

miseria e nobilta encantsRestaurante PIZZERIA MISERIA E NOBILTÀ
carrer dels Enamorats, 112
Phone 935 009 968
The service at this pizza parlor is superb. They bake their pizzas in a wooden oven and are served by the Italian owner.

carrer de Provença, 493
Phone 934 501 510
One of the shops that the farm in Vic (“Mas Pujol de Gurb”) is going to open in different cities. Here you could find natural and homemade products and they’re all dairy products such as yoghurt, flan, cream and cheese… delicious!

Places of interest
teatre nacional catalunyaNATIONAL THEATER OF CATALUNYA (TNC)
plaça de les Arts, 1
Phone 933 065 700
This building was designed by the shop of architecture Ricardo Bofill. Guided tours available by reservation only. Here you could enjoy shows or eat in one of the restaurants inside.

auditori encantsL’AUDITORI
carrer de Lepant, 150
Phone 932 479 300
This public cultural facility is one of the most important in the city. It is possible to reach it and also the Teatro Nacional (National Theatre) from other metro stations too.

hortssagradafamiliaHORTS SAGRADA FAMÍLIA
carrer de Padilla, 201
It is the first urban orchard-garden in the district of the Ensanche, with 20 plots. Two of them have been allocated to environmental education.

farinera clotFARINERA DEL CLOT
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 837
Phone 932 918 080
The only record that we have in the city of the ancient flavour’s factories in Barcelona. Inside you can still find some machineries that were used in the past. Nowadays is a cultural center where you can find different activities.

centre civic sagradafamilia

Carrer de Provença, 480
Phone 934 508 917
Three floors library that offers services for every age. It’s also the venue of a community center with workshops and activities open to the public. Visit the web page.


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