Can Cuiàs

The Cuiàs shelter

The lands where the Montcada i Reixac municipality stretches today, belonged to the Cuyás family. This surname derives from the Latin form collacteus, which means “foster brother”, and in the present naming of this district, the Catalanized form Cuiàs has been adopted. According to period documents, Josep Cuyás, one of the descendants of Cuyás family, died of a gunshot in 1641.
At first the Can Cuyás farm was pretty much surrounded by vine fields but as the importance of agriculture in the area waned, cement blocks started gaining ground until the present district of Can Cuiàs came into existence.

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The neighbours recommend

Bar-cafè «NOU»

c. de les Camèlies, 38
Phone 935 758 491
This bar offers a good lunch menu, assorted tapas or toasted bread and grilled meat.


c. de la Circumval·lació, bloc Azahar, 13
Montcada i Reixac
Phone 935 726 432
Although it is a bit hidden, you can identify it easily thanks to its terrace. This spot is very popular among the neighbours, and you can order a paella or try seasoned pork loin. They also serve shell fish, but you need to order it in advance!

Places of Interest
In the Les Fustes exit of the metro station, you will see a tilled wall with maps that show the evolution of the area and of the city from prehistory till our times, specifically till 2003. On climbing the stairs and taking the street, you will first come upon a large shopping mall, and behind you will reach the Turó Blau Park, where a good part of the district activity takes place. There is a basketball court, a soccer field and a civic centre. But if you are in the mood for quiet, you can take a path that will take you to the top of the hill, where peace prevails and where you can enjoy pretty views.
centre civic can cuiasCENTRE CÍVIC CAN CUIÀS
carrer Geranis, s/nº (Montcada i Reixac)
Phone 935 758 705
This is a neurological point of the district where they offer courses, lectures and even have a cafeteria service. Open until 12 p.m.