Barcelona city center

Sant Andreu

Drop everything and follow me! The neighborhood of Sant Andreu de Palomar derives its name

Palau Reial

A farm that turned into a palace The Palau Reial of Pedralbes is a palace


The modernist poet The poet and writer Joan Maragall was born in Barcelona in 1860.


Our land Catalunya is the name of the nation established towards the end of tenth

Santa Coloma

The Young Martyr The toponym of Santa Coloma dates back to ancient Rome, in the

Sant Martí

Pattern of the Catalan cavalry This station receives it name from the neighborhood in which


The city of the four rivers Girona is the capital of the province and county


Clotum Mellis (Honey’s Concavity) In the medieval period, the area which is now known as

Santa Eulàlia

The co-patron saint of Barcelona The saint Eulalia, or “the saint who spoke well”, lived


The white dove At this station the train reaches all the way to the Plaça


Convent for the needy A man known as Father Palau lived in this area towards

Sagrada Familia

The eternal temple With the Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudí was not content with simply building

Fabra i Puig

Mayor of Barcelona, Marquis of Alella Born in Barcelona in 1866, Ferran Fabra i Puig

Torras i Bages

Catalan Tradition Josep Torras i Bages was born in 1846 in Sant Valentí of Cabanyes,


A building with lots of history The historic building of the University of Barcelona was

Poble Sec

Descending from Montjuic The Poble-sec orography, which stretches along one of the sides of Montjuic