This station is shared by residents of the Artigues neighborhood of Badalona and those of the municipality of Sant Adrià de Besós. As for the Artigues neighborhood, it seems that the place name is the normalized form in Catalan of the surname of the promoter of Chilean origin Francesc Artigas i Solà, who built this area at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of Sant Adrià de Besòs, on the other hand, is born by an old parish church dedicated to Saint Adrian that was in the north end of the municipality.
Restaurant EL PULPERO DE LUGO carrer de Maragall, 9 Sant Adrià Besós Phone 933 810 721 The name of this restaurant (the Octopus from Lugo) hints that its specialty is indeed octopus. However, you can enjoy other Galician specialties or their lamb de Aranda. They offer lunch menu.
CAFÉ EL BARRET avinguda d’Alfons XIII, 610 Badalona Phone 933 998 161 This restaurant offers a very consistent lunch menu and it’s recommended by several neighbors of the area.
PARC FLUVIAL DEL BESÓS This recently recovered green zone follows the Besòs river, from Sant Adrià de Besòs all the way to Montcada i Reixac.
L’ATENEU ADRIANENC carrer d’Andreu Vidal, 7 Sant Adrià Besós Phone 933 811 043 This civic center organizes movie festivals, theatre shows, modules and a lot more. You can see its program at its web site.
CASA MUNICIPAL DE CULTURA carrer de la mare de Déu del Carme, 22 Sant Adrià Besós Phone 934 620 378 At this center they offer plays all year around. They also organize all kinds of courses for the neighbors and visitors.
POLIDOR. CENTRE DE PRODUCCIÓ JUVENIL I CULTURAL passeig de la Rambleta, s/nº Sant Adrià del Besós Phone 934 627 446 Located inside an old record factory, this center currently offers a great deal of resources to youth of Sant Adrià. They offer classes, rehearsal space for young band, a recording studio, and free internet access.
Ajuntament de SANT ADRIÀ DEL BESÓS plaça de la Vila, 12 Sant Adrià Besós Tel. 933 812 004 In this page you will find every kind of information about this village, where the cultural and leisure activities are getting more and more dynamic.
The grand festivities of Sant Adrià take place around the 8th of September, the day of Saint Adrian. Artigues celebrates its festivities at the end of July, and the metro station is right at the epicenter of the party. You will find more information in: