Roquetes Campana


A community strong as rock

This station leads into the Roquetes neighborhood, which abuts with the Sierra of Collserola and which is at the feet of a very steep mountain that also goes by the name of Roquetes. This is exactly where it derives its name from, since to build abodes IT? was necessary to dredge the rocky mountain first. Until 1950, the terrain’s inclination was such that it discouraged any kind of urban development whatsoever. However, the wave of immigration that reached Barcelona and needed a place to live forced city planners to develop this area. The advantages of this geographical location are anyway the magnificent views of the city that the neighborhood offers especially from its highest point.


For further info about Roquetes here you have some

Do you want to discover more?…Barcelona metro a metro
Do you have any district’s photos or suggestions? send it! 

The neighbours recommend

Roquetes CampanaLA CAMPANA Restaurant
carrer de Quesada, 5-7
Phone 933 539 891
It is one of the few options to eat in this area. They offer lunch menu every day of the week.


roquetes EscalaBAR ESCALA
carrer de Pla de Fornells, 8-10
Phone 933 598 572
Daily traditional lunch menu.



Places of interest

The Roquetes metro station deals with Viaje global, viaje local, viaje personal, a sculpture by Salvador Juanpere. This structure is made by 487 plaques and according to the author, they collect “texts, ideas, events and poetries drawn by the world and local contexts by the memory of the people living in the Roquetes district in the last 55 years”. From the station you gain the access to the Carretera Alta de las Roquetes, probably one of the most unknown streets of Barcelona and one of those with the best views. It is two kilometres long and it joins the Torre Baró viewpoint with Canyelles district through some Collserola hills.

Roquetes KasalJoves

carrer de Vidal i Guasch, 16
Phone 932 769 271
You can seek information of activities organized by this youth centre in the website.

centre cultural Ton i Guida

carrer de Romaní, 6
Phone 933 548 721
This cultural centre is run by several neighborhoods and civil entities of Nou Barris district. It’s the headquarter of the Xarxa d’intercanvi de coneixements de Nou Barris which organizes workshops, shows and other kinds of cultural activities for the neighbours of the area.


Roquetes bibliotecaLES ROQUETES LIBRARY
via Favència, 288b
Phone 932 768 785
This library was built through the transformation and improvement of an old civic centre in 2008.


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