The Verneda is a neighborhood of Sant Adrià de Besòs that lies next to neighborhood by the same name of the municipal district of Sant Martí of Barcelona. The Avenue of the Verneda serves as a dividing line for both neighborhoods Verneda is the Catalan word which describes a group of verns, or alder trees, i.e. an alder grove originally on the banks of the River Besòs.
Restaurant LA DELICIOSA carretera de Mataró, 74 (next to the training camp of RDC Espanyol) Sant Adrià del Besós Phone 933 815 805 This traditional inn built in 1952 was a favorite of those traveling through the Mataró road. Today it’s a restaurant specialized in Catalan cuisine. They offer a lunch menu. Closed on Sundays.
Restaurant MARINA BESÓS avinguda de la Platja, s/nº Poliesportiu Marina Besós Sant Adrià Besós Phone 933 812 036 Enjoy the view of the sea while eating without having to leave Sant Adrià.
BANDA SONORA carrer de Jovellanos, 11 Sant Adrià de Besós Phone 932 663 068 – 607 327 121 In this building it is possible to rent hourly spaces to play and rehearsal.
MUESEUM OF THE HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION carretera de Mataró 124 Sant Adrià de Besós Phone 933 812 606 A stately building of the nineteenth century which presently houses Research and Documentation Center of the History of Immigration in Catalonia The museum comprises a permanent exhibit hall, a temporary one, and an all-purpose hall as well as didactic center. In the permanent exhibit hall the “Vagón Sevillano”, one of the train carriages that carried workers from Seville to Catalonia has just been restored.
GOTHIC ARCH OF SANT ADRIÀ This Gothic arch was the entrance to the now disappeared thirteenth century Trinitarian convent that was once in Barcelona. The Marquis of Moragues bought it to install it in one of his properties, and in 1991, it was moved stone by stone to this sight.
SPORTING CITY OF RCD ESPANYOL carrertera de Mataró, 76-122 Sant Adrià Besós Phones 902 666 902 – 932 927 700 You will find the Sporting City of the RCD Espanyol next to Can Serra, before crossing the river. For those of you football lovers, keep in mind that on afternoons one can watch the team’s rookie practice.
The Verneda grand festivities are generally celebrated during the second week of November. Like many others Festa Major, the celebrations include a wide array of activities. For more