medina trinitatvella

Trinitat Vella

El coll de Finestrelles

The name reminds us of the existence in this place of the Trinity Convent, built in the fifteenth century and belonging to the Discalced Trinitarians. This convent stood until the arrival of the Napoleonic troops, who burnt it down in the 1808. Currently, on that very same ground stands the Church of Sant Jaume.
Nowadays, the entire neighborhood that encompasses the area receives the name of Trinitat Vella. But before being the present neighborhood, la Trinitat, also known as El coll de Finestrelles, was one of the independent ends of the municipality of Sant Andreu de Palomar, a stop-over place for those crossing from the plains of Barcelona, making their way to the Pyrenees.


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The neighbors recommend

medina trinitatvellaBAR-RESTAURANT MEDINA
carrer de Galícia, 1 (esquina con c. del Tossal)
Phone 933 120 013
Frequented by young crowds it offers a decent menu. Closed on Tuesday mornings.

casajuan trinitatvellaBAR CASA JUAN
carrer de la Madriguera, 47
Phone 933 453 013
Sit at the terrace and ask for a plate of French fries; it’s the house specialty. It’s closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays afternoon. Sundays it’s closed all day.

Places of interest

carrer de la Foradada, 36
Phone 933 457 016
If you want information regarding the activities that take place you may ring.


plaça de la Trinitat Vella, 3
One of the old building that can be visited in the neighborhood.


parc trinitatvellaPARC DE LA TRINITAT
via de Barcino, s/nº
A picnic area with barbecues, sport and modelling areas, trees, water, grass… You can find all this and much more in this semicircular park. You can reach it from the station Baró de Viver too.

casa de laiguaCASA DE LES AIGÜES
carrer de Garbí, 2-6 / Carretera de Ribes, 103-111
A group of modernist buildings that were built in the early XX century by the architect Pere Falqués to meet the needs of infrastructures conveying the water of Montcada to Barcelona. Today the buildings are divided by the Avenida Meridiana. On one side, there is the pavilion of water treatment, with a garden of aromatic plants and urban orchards. On the other side, there are Casa del Guarda, the current Centro Cultural Federica de Montseny and the pavilion of water pumping. The latter is a centre of activities promoted by Fundació Trinijove and it works for the job placement of young people in difficulty. You can get to this park also from the metro station Casa de l’Aigüa.

Ver todos

trinijove trinitatvellaFUNDACIÓ TRINIJOVE
carrer del Turó de la Trinitat, 17
Phone 933 459 221
A bunch of activities take place at this center so as to assist the young, women, and to find employment for those who are at risk of being socially excluded.



The parc de la Trinitat is one of the most extensive and greenest aereas, and it’s is where most of the activities of the festa major take place, and which usually falls on the last week of May and the first of June. If you like parades, traditional chocolates, street stalls, you cannot miss it! You can check out the schedule at:



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