Vista dedes la Hesperia Tower

Hospital de Bellvitge

The station of the Hospital

Until 2003 the name of this metro station was Feixa Llarga. Since then, it is called as the hospital of this district, which opened in 1970.
When it was still under construction, the princess Sofia visited Barcelona and showed interest in the work and asked for the future name of the hospital. That’s why, together with the rapprochement of the Franco´s regime to real family, one of the most important building of the health complex TAKE the name of Princeps d’Espanya. In 1981 the health-care responsabilities were devolved to Catalonia and since 1984 the Institut Català de la Salut manages this public hospital.
In 2006 a new exhibtion hall was inaugurated in this health centre, where it is possible to gaze at works of prestigious international artists.


Do you want to discover more? … Barcelona metro a metro
 Do you have any district’s photos or suggestions? send it!

The neighbours recommend

1Not so far from here, there is the very high Hotel Hesperia Tower of 29 levels and 105 metres, designed by Richard Rogers and with an enormous cupola on the the top, that until recently was the venue for the panoramic restaurant Evo. From this restaurant, that is currently closed, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the city. While it is still argued how to better use this place, it is rent for private celebrations. On the other side of the highway, there is the Duran and Reynals Hospital that is the venue for the Catalan Institut of Oncology, reference centre for the treatment of cancer.

Places of interest


Beyond the hospital exhibition hall, in the north side ef the central building, there are the main builidings of the Bellvitge university campus of Health Cience of Barcelona University: the block of Gobierno and the Aulari and Estabulari.


biblioteca BellvitgeLIBRARY OF BELLVITGE
Plaça de la Cultura, 1
Hospitalet de Llobregat
Phone 932 641 572
In this library some interesting activities are organized, such as exhibitions, meetings ,curses, workshops. Check out in the website!


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